
Current Classes: 2024-25

Master in Theological Studies
Master of Divinity
Entrance Requirements
Preliminary Tests
Pastors Study Grants/Fees
MTS Program
MDIV Program
Bridge: MTS to MDIV


Master in Theological Studies

The M.T.S. is offered to students with a B.A. (or its equivalent). This is a two-year graduate degree in Bible, theology, and ministry. It is designed to better prepare mature believers for Christian ministry. It is not language intensive but does require one year of NT Greek and one year of OT Hebrew. Students already in ministry, and others who cannot study full-time, can expect to take 3 or 4 years to complete this degree.

Master of Divinity

The MDiv is offered to students with either an A.B. Theology (Major in NT Greek) or a B.A. (or its equivalent). This is a three-year graduate degree in Bible, theology, and ministry. The program has a strong emphasis on the biblical languages. Students with a background in NT Greek are given preference for entrance into the program. Exceptional students with an earned undergraduate degree may also be accepted on a probationary basis. Continuation in the program will depend on the student’s ability to master NT Greek. Students with undergraduate Greek studies may take a test in order to waive some or all of the required Greek courses.

Entrance Requirements

In order to be admitted as a regular student, the following credentials must be presented to the Registrar’s Office:

    1. A completed application form, which includes 200-word statement by the application indicating his faith and purpose, along with his reasons for desiring a course of theological study.
    2. A full academic transcript of college or undergraduate work, with proof of having received a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. If more than one college was attended, there should be a transcript from each.
    3. A letter of character reference from three people who know the applicant well, including the pastor of his church (or a church official), an undergraduate professor, and a friend. The applicant should list these three persons in the space provided on the application form, and letters will be sent to them directly from the Registrar’s office.
    4. A recent passport-type photo should be attached on the application.

Pastors’ Study Grant

Because of the economic hardship that many young pastors face, the Seminary thought the assistance of the Christian Training and the Missionary fellowship offers a limited number of study grants each year to qualified students who are active in the pastorate. These grants are given on a yearly basis and are contingent on a continued good standing in the program. Such grants are not guaranteed and depend on the availability of funds. Study grant guidelines and applications are available from the registrar.




CBS Alumni Php 1,500
Non-Alumni Php 3,000
Tuition (per credit hour) Php 500

Preliminary Tests

Students may be required to take a number of special tests prior to, or upon admission into the program. Students who are not available for personal interview upon application (especially those applying from overseas) may be required to take an English proficiency test prior to acceptance at the Seminary. Upon admission and during orientation, new students will be given a general NT knowledge test. Likewise students who wish to by-pass the basic Greek courses will be tested at this time.